We take our outreach seriously. Whether it's locally or globally, we give our all to help others.
LOcal outreach:
Family promise of Greater washington county
Family Promise is an organization that provides shelter and resources for homeless families in order that they may find housing. For more information on Family Promise, visit https://www.familypromisegwc.org/
We provide meals for the families during our assigned week, about once every quarter. Meals can be prepared by a volunteer, in the form of a restaurant gift card, or purchased from a restaurant and delivered to the families.
For more specific information on how to volunteer, contact Bonnie Becker at 503-464-6914.
Homeplate youth services
HomePlate is an Organization that works with homeless youth in Washington County.
Westsiders provide a hot meal for around 50 youth at the Drop-In Center every quarter.
Six to 10 volunteers prepare and serve the dinner - meal prep from 4:00 - 5:00 pm, and service from 5:00 - 7:00 pm. There are specific procedures/rules as specified by the Washington County Department of Health for serving meals, and these will be discussed with each volunteer.
Other ways you can help are providing the meal ingredients and drinks, paper products, and plastic silverware.
Bonnie Becker is the coordinator for this outreach. Contact Bonnie at 503-464-6914 for more specific information. Learn more about HomePlate at homeplateyouth.org.
Western farm workers association (WFWA)
WFWA is an all-volunteer, independent, unincorporated membership of low-income farm and seasonal workers. Members can access free of charge self-help benefit programs – built by members for members – which offer emergency food, clothing, preventive medical care, legal advice and more. This benefit program is supported entirely by WFWA allies throughout the community.
Food distribution at WFWA
Westside United Methodist Church has supported the WFWA for more than twenty years. Their efforts have included collections of food, new clothing and gifts for children, grocery gift cards, and cash donations. Volunteers have helped organize children's games and crafts during holiday parties, delivered holiday food boxes to families, and assisted with the dental benefit program.
When needs arise, we will let you know on our News page and through our twice-weekly emails
Global Outreach:
Dominican Republic
Ten of us traveled to the Dominican Republic in August 2018 to help build classrooms. We took 1000 pounds of sports equipment and medicines with us, to be given to the children there. It was a life-changing experience. See the photo gallery here.
In July 2019, we returned with eleven Westsiders to build a playground for the school and to renew friendships! See the photo gallery here.
Our 2020 trip was canceled due to the pandemic, but a small team was able to return in following years.
Contact the church office at office@westsidejourney.org for more information.
Photo from 2021 trip to the Dominican Republic
We support Tim and Margarite in Paraguay through our prayers and donations. Margarite is a learning disability specialist. Tim is a teacher. They engage urban Ava Guarani and Mbya Guarani communities through educational activities. Additionally, they serve in local churches and help local leaders coordinate outreach and discipleship in neighborhoods, rural areas, prisons, and schools
Their mission is "Transformation through education among underserved and unreached communities in the Heart of South America."