Sneak Peek for this Sunday


Ephesians 5:15-33:  The word most often heard and repeated from this passage is not “be filled” or “make the most of time,” but “submit.”  Especially in verse 21. However that verb does not exist in verse 21. The verb is only in the previous verse; only in English translations is the verb repeated.  Yet women have been stomped on by preachers about “submitting to their husbands” which is a secondary clause. Still important to comprehend but best kept in context.  The primary context is submission to the spirit of God, the opening to receive THAT spirit and the overflow in speaking and acting in submission to one another. In marriage this looks like mutual submission and the husband’s role to “love his wife as Christ loved the church,” to which the idea is submitting, the idea of a posture to receive love makes sense.  How much do people brace against a concept because it is not clearly understood? Come look, come worship, come receive the fullness and overflow.