Help Build Hope

help build hope.jpg

We’re happy to report that it continues to look like our Help Build Hope event will be able to happen on August 1st.

It’s an opportunity for Westside to partner with Christ UMC and other friends and family to construct all the walls of a house that Habitat for Humanity will build for a family in need.

We have a proposal submitted to the UMC District Superintendent for a low risk event abiding by the Washington county criteria.  Examples of extra protocol that we’ll be following are: staying completely outdoors, wearing masks the entire time, having fewer people participate, maintaining 20 feet between wall-building groups, bringing your own hammer, and temperature checks for all who participate.  Groups will be kept small, 4-8 people in each. There will be a limit of 13 wall-building groups to ensure we adhere to gathering and distancing requirements, so please make sure to sign up soon!

The sign-up link (below) is active. Contact Wendy Fedderly ( or Stephanie Raether ( if you have questions. 

Link for more info:

Link to sign-up:
