Become a Lighthouse Keeper!

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Every Lighthouse must have someone who will make sure that its lens is cleaned, the oil lamps are filled, the wicks trimmed, the clockwork mechanisms are accurate and the structure that houses its light is properly maintained to ensure that its light will shine brightly through the years to guide others safely home.

The same is true of our Lighthouse building. Just one year after completion, this beautiful new space is already providing both shelter and light to many including our youth group, Family Promise, Home Plate, and those in our church family and surrounding community who have need of a gathering place to celebrate important milestones in their lives such as weddings, memorial services and other special events.   But without regular care and maintenance the light our facility shines on those in need may begin to flicker and fade.     

Every lighthouse needs a keeper and, as a beacon to our community, our Lighthouse needs a whole team of them! Will you be one of them?  We are currently putting together a list of specific tasks that anyone can do to help.  Many hands make light work.  Please prayerfully consider becoming a member of our Lighthouse Keeper Team by volunteering to do one or more of these tasks.  You may do them on your own time and/or by joining others on the team at a mutually agreed date and time. Whatever your commitment, you will ensure that Westside’s Lighthouse shines brightly on our community for many years to come!
