Here are TWO opportunities to explore the gifts that God has given you for your use in ministry.
You may attend a two-weekend workshop (Friday evenings and Saturdays) or do a six-week online workshop. Either way, you will experience the same small group dynamics, sharing your personal history and dreams, and hearing those of your team members. Through a series of bible lessons, worksheets, and interpersonal conversations, the truth of your gifts will come to light.
Register for either workshop at
$25, includes all materials, two meals and snacks
May 3 7:00 - 9:00 pm
May 4 9:00 - 3:30 pm
May 10 7:00 - 9:00 pm
May 11 9:00 - 5:00 pm
On-line (requires microphone and camera):
$10, includes all materials emailed to you
Weekly, Monday evenings from 7:00 - 9:00 pm
June 10 - July 15