Sharing for Jan 31

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Share from your week:

Bonnie – I want to thank everyone that brought notes & candy and such for our Random Act of Kindness. We received a ton of stuff; so, I’m going to be calling two or three other Assisted Living places & Rehab places and see how we can spread this love around.     

Pastor Brett – Yeah! Awesome! Thank you Bonnie and everyone who participated in Random Acts of Kindness, which was doing valentines and some candies & treats for people in Assisted Living Centers. So, awesome – praise God for that!

Jan – I want to relay a little something the Lord did for me this morning. I woke up with a little song, it was about our armor; it said that our feet are shod with the preparation of peace, God my sword of the Spirit, my shield of faith, got my breastplate of righteousness, helmet of salvation, I put on my armor and I’m ready for the battle. And when I did the Jesus Calling this morning, if it wasn’t talking about armor; it said – The armor is not an inanimate object, because the armor is the truth of God. And the truth of God, the Word of God is quick & powerful, it’s alive, alert and ready for the challenge. We don’t have to worry because we have our armor on and it’s alive!      

Pastor Brett – Amen! Thank you, Jan. That will dovetail nicely with the sermon. So, thank you for the alley-oop. Armor of God, Amen!

Kari – I saw a hummingbird yesterday so, that was really special. Joe and I were on a walk and then when we were coming back there was one up on (inaudible). When we were giving away the PB awards, they were giving away books and I grabbed one off the table that has morning and evening meditations. And the evening mediation the other day talked about the dove and the Ark during Noah’s Ark. God gave me this little thought about Noah’s Ark – that it might have actually been the first quarantine in recorded history. I thought – oh….he had to be with all of those animals and he really couldn’t get alone; he couldn’t even go to the store! I was like – I should not complain one little bit!       

Pastor Brett – Thank you Kari. What a word that is, God doing something in the midst of confinement. Renewing something…Noah had no idea, he just had to go in and God shut the door behind him. And he didn’t know how long it was going to be for. It’s the perfect analogy for the situation we find ourselves in. We look forward to God opening the door to the Ark, so we might come out into a new world and see what God has in store for us.