Experiencing Miracles

When you encounter the miraculous, how have you responded?  What is the most amazing thing you have seen Jesus do?

Martha - Miracles will happen...healing will come…we need those words right now! Thanks!

Kaitlyn - Community coming together to help our family within hours of their house fire. My aunt and her partner are alive. They were being watched over!

Debbie - This week at work in triage area of urgent care. A guy standing in line asked what is the meaning of life? She responded To love God and walk justly. How do you know God is real? He speaks to me. What’s the last thing he told you? Hang in there, I am with you always. He looked at me and I stared at him and there was this big pause. The guy said Wow! Coworker agreed with Deb, He speaks all the time and we just need to listen! The guy replied, I guess I better listen.

Wendy F. – I love that story! So often we hesitate to talk about God at work. Thank you for role-modeling.

Martha – Deb:  I admire your ability to share your faith with others in so many places. That is my Jesus moment!

Laura – When I encounter the miraculous, I say THANK YOU, THANK YOU JESUS!

Sally – Jesus showed up daily (hourly) as I ministered over my brother and the love & care from the nurses.

Kari – Because the donation places are closed, my coworker has furniture she can donate to a family getting an apartment through Family Promise.

Celebrating family that have gone before us at the Dufur Cemetery yesterday and visiting family members still living!

Bonnie – We took Spanish Bibles to camp last night.

Son in law, Ray, had a successful surgery.

Michele – God always put people that need help or support in my life. Mainly people in my life that need support. I figure it’s something God wants me to do & I do the best I can.

The message today is preparation for Pastor Brian leaving. We are taking a new step with Pastor Brett. Look at the fact Pastor Brian is leaving. We are taking another step with Pastor Brett to take us on our journey.

Wendy F. – That’s beautiful, Michele!

Laura – I love your faithful obedience, Michele!

Krista – This weekend marks a year of rebuilding for Ivan & I and what an amazing year it has been.

Sally – I had a short dream the night before my brother passed away. Went to sleep praying to God about a sign to have doctors do for her brother.  Brother was an engineer. Always fixed things at the Sully’s house. A can-do guy. In the dream only saw a pair of hands and tube of caulking in the upstairs bathroom the line between the bathtub and the floor – just a thin strip of caulking. I have been looking at that and thinking it needs caulking. I interpreted the dream that “we need to keep fixing Dave.” But his body stopped working that day and couldn’t fix him. I also asked 3 other people for interpretation of my dream. Marsha—Sally, that was your brother Dave fixing one last thing. You can do this. Susan said, “Sally, I find it curious that it was a hard floor that represents earth and another object that can be filled with water that represents baptism. Your brother was moving through baptism.” Bucky said, “the thin line between earth and glory.” Thank You!

Martha – When we lose someone…memories are the treasures we hold in our hearts. Maybe the caulk was a seal between you and our brother…a sign that he will always be with you and watching over you.

Susan – Charity Virkler Kayembe - Dreams class started on May 21st.

Pursinger – Old Green Van. That is a Miracle!

Rich – Amen
