Passing It On...


Two years ago this month, Westsiders made their first loans through Kiva.

As the loans were repaid, the money was re-applied to other small businesses.

Today, 23 loans later, Westsiders contributed $25 (matched!) to Rabboni Group Limited, a cooperative that supports over 600 Ugandan farmers. We joined over 2400 other lenders (so far) on this particular loan.

Maize is the most highly cultivated crop in Uganda, grown by over 3.6 million agricultural households. More than 80% of maize farmers lack access to adequate storage facilities for grain. Trade is largely informal and unregulated. Prices offered to farmers at harvest are barely enough to break even, locking farmers in a vicious cycle of poverty.

Rabboni Group Limited bridges the market gap between large maize off-takers and smallholder farmers in Uganda, adding value to the maize supply chain through efficient aggregation and processing services. With the loan, Rabboni will be able to buy 611 metric tons of grain from over 600 farmers and satisfy unmet customer demand. Rabboni will also purchase 19 metric tons of improved seed for 950 farmers.

Thanks to your support, Kiva is making a difference all over the world.